Exhibition Label Text: Methanometer (C4 type), 1967 to the present.
Methane is one of the main components ot firedamp. Therefore one of the most important
duties of a deputy is to test for methane gas with a methanomer.
A Deputy squeezes the aspirator bulb to take a sample of the air.
The methanometer heats athe air. The presence of methane produces excess heat
which could be detected and measured by the methanometer.
Methanometer – Type C4 Mk II. Grey metal box with a dial behind an arc shaped glass panel at the front. Rubber bulb at the base for collecting air samples. l: 37.5 x w: 7.2 x d: 6.5 cm
Digital image on Keeper’s computer – S:/Keeper/MyPictures/Exhibitions/DisplayNewVisitorCentre. Taken Nov. 2003.