Dust Sampler

Exhibition Label Text: Gravimetric dust smapler, 1970s to the present.
The most dangerous dust particles in a mine are microscopic. They
can cause respiratory difficulties. The particle numbers are estimated by a trained sampler
working in a laboratory.
This machine would regularly survey the mine. Laboratory technicians removed and
weighed the dust filters, fed the results into a computer and reported any adverse results.

rectangular object with one curved end. Solid metal handle on top. Silver coloured metal. Locked with key at the back, callked the Isleworth. l:23 x h:19 x w:12.2 cm

Digital image on Keeper’s computer – S:/Keeper/MyPictures/Exhibitions/DisplayNewVisitorCentre. Taken November 2003.
Gravimetric dust sampler. Lab 139 on top. All underground places surveyed regularly then lab removes and weighs dust filters, then fed into computer and adverse results reported. Was in the deputy case of the Miners Skills exhibition in the old power station at SMM until the start of November when it was removed wrapped and stored. Photograph with entry (L) form.

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