2 black metal o2 cylinders curved to fit round the waist, attached by leather straps.
Leading through a dial and lung governing valve to a purifier, to 2 black rubber
hoses & a silver coloured metal, leather encased, wool padded, head and mouthpiece.
124.0 x 49.5 x 44.5 cm
Exhibition Label Text:The apparatus was designed in 1906 and named after it’s inventor. William Edward Garforth.
The first recorded use of the WEG is a self contained regenerator type apparatus. This means
that the air which is breathed out is purified, topped up with fresh oxygen from the canisters
and then re-breathed.
Digital image on Keeper’s computer – S:/Keeper/MyPictures/Exhibitions/DisplayNewVisitorCentre. Taken November 2003.
Note 1-leather strapping swapped with that on 1987.0152 on 6/08/99, for display purposes. 14/10/99 See information file
Weg breathing apparatus