Breathing Apparatus

Black helmet with 2 glass panels to see out of, that are fixed at an angle
on the front of the object. Leather curtain inside hat and down over the
shoulders. Small chain attached ‘signal for use.’ h: 32 x diameter top: 18 x w: 21.3

Exhibition Label Text: The Spirelmo was a two man apparatus. The rescuer wore a smoke helmet.
A second man at a Fresh Air Base used a bellows to pump air along a hose
into the helmet.
A horn was used to send signals to the man at the bellows. One hoot meant help,
two hoots meant more air and threes hoots meant less air.
This apparatus was in use for many years between about 1911 and 1950.

Digital image on Keeper’s computer – S:/Keeper/MyPictures/Exhibitions/DisplayNewVisitorCentre. Taken November 2003.
13/10/99 See information file.

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